Welcome to the climate change impacts on flood peaks tool
This tool provides estimates of the impacts of climate change on river flood peaks across Great Britain, using a sensitivity-based approach which combines a grid-based hydrological model (Grid-to-Grid) with the UKCP18 probabilistic projections for river basin regions. Note that the changes given apply for river flows (m3s-1), not river levels.
For more information see Climate change impacts on peak river flows: Combining national-scale hydrological modelling and probabilistic projections.
Click a grid square on the map with a catchment area of more than 100km2 to view the data for that location.
Graph showing cumulative distribution functions of the impacts of climate change on river flood peaks at the selected location.
RCP: Representative concentration pathway of greenhouse gases, Horizon: 30-year time-slice centred on given decade, RP: return period.
Click a grid square on the map with a catchment area of more than 100km2 to view data here.
Boxplots comparing distributions of the impacts of climate change on river flood peaks at the selected location. Each box shows the 25th–75th percentile range, with the 50th percentile (median) shown by the line across the box. The whiskers show the 10th–90th percentile range.
RCP: Representative concentration pathway of greenhouse gases, Horizon: 30-year time-slice centred on given decade, RP: return period.
Click a grid square on the map with a catchment area of more than 100km2 to view data here.
Table summarising the impacts of climate change on river flood peaks at the selected location, providing a key subset of percentiles.
RCP: Representative concentration pathway of greenhouse gases, Horizon: 30-year time-slice centred on given decade, RP: return period.
Click a grid square on the map with a catchment area of more than 100km2 to view data here.
Click a grid square on the map with a catchment area of more than 100km2 to view data here.